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Apache Kafka

What is Apache Kafka?

Apache Kafka is:

  1. distributed event streaming platform;
  2. open-source;
  3. used for:
    1. high-performance data pipelines;
    2. streaming analytics;
    3. data integration;
    4. mission-critical applications.

Apache Kafka properties

Apache Kafka properties:

  1. distribution — not one server, but many servers working together;
  2. fault tolerance;
  3. high availability;
  4. data consistency and availability — CA, see CAP theorem;
  5. high performance (bandwidth);
  6. horizontal scaling;
  7. integrability.

History of Apache Kafka

History of Apache Kafka:

  1. Developed by LinkedIn.
  2. Program code published in 2011.
  3. Member of the Apache Software Foundation since 2012.
  4. The product is developed in Scala and Java programming languages.

What task does Apache Kafka solve

Task to be solved by Apache Kafka

The main entities of Apache Kafka

  1. Kafka Cluster: brings together several Kafka Brokers.
  2. Kafka Broker (Kafka Server | Kafka Node): receives, stores and issues messages.
  3. Zookeper:
    1. Cluster status, configuration, address book (data).
    2. Selects Controller, provides consistency.
  4. Kafka Message (Record | Event) — key-value pair.
  5. Topic / Partition — stream of data.
  6. Producer.
  7. Consumer.


Message field Description
Key Key (optional). Used to distribute messages across the cluster.
Value Message content, byte array.
Timestamp Message time (from epoch). Set when sending or processing within the cluster.
Headers A set of key-value pairs with custom message attributes.

Topic / Partition

  1. Partitions are used to speed up reading and writing data (parallelization).
  2. Support for FIFO ordering at the partition level.
  3. When reading from a topic, the data is not deleted.

    Apache Kafka Topic and Partitions

  4. The data is stored in the Broker File System in log files.

    Storage for Apache Kafka Topic and Partitions

  5. Partition files:

    1. Stored in segments 1 GB (default). The last one is active. The file name is start offset.
    2. *.log — message with some meta information: Offset, Position, Timestamp, Message.
    3. *.index — mapping Offset to Position.
    4. *.timeindex — mapping Timestamp to Offset.
      Log files to store Apache Kafka Partitions
  6. Removing data from Apache Kafka Topic:


    The delete operation from Apache Kafka Topic is not supported.


    Supports automatic deletion of data after TTL.

    Entire partition segments are deleted, not individual messages. Segment timestamp expired → to delete.

  7. Set replication-factor > 1.

    1. That is, for each partition there should be > 1 replica, and they should not be stored on one node.
    2. Kafka Controller assigns Leader replicas. Read and write operations are performed only on the Leader replica: produce → Leader → consume.
    3. It is not recommended to host all Leader replicas of topics on the same node. So she will be overloaded, and the rest nodes will be disabled.

    Leaders and Followers of Apache Kafka replicas

  8. Followers fetch data from Leader periodically.

    1. Synchronous recording from Leader to Follower. Therefore, the recording slows down a bit.
    2. ISR Follower is a reliable candidate for Leader.
    3. Set min.insync.replicas = 3. If there are not enough Leader + ISR Followers online, then a write error occurs.

    Apache Kafka in-sync replicas


  1. acks — delivery guarantee parameter, can take the following values:
    1. 0Producer does not wait for confirmation of sending a message; the most unreliable mode, messages can be lost;
    2. 1Producer waits for confirmation of sending a message only from the Leader replica; compromise mode, messages may be lost in some cases, for example, if a broker with a Leader replica falls before execution message replication; frequently used option;
    3. -1 (all) — Producer waits for confirmation of sending messages from all ISR replicas, including Leader; most reliable option.
  2. Delivery semantic support:
    1. at most once;
    2. at least once;
    3. exactly once (idempotence).
flowchart TD

title[<u>Producer send message flow diagram</u>]
style title fill:#FFF,stroke:#FFF
linkStyle 0 stroke:#FFF,stroke-width:0;

  A["<b>Producer.send()</b>"<br/>message] --> B[fetch metadata];
  B -. fetch .-> C[(Zookeper)];
  C -. metadata .-> B;
  B ---> D[serialize message];
  D --> E[define partition];
  E --> F[compress message];
  F --> G[accumulate batch];
  G --> H[Sending a message to the right brokers and partitions]

Producer.send() message flow:

  1. fetch metadata from Zookeper through a broker.

    1. Gets the state of the cluster and topic placement.
    2. This operation will block send() until the metadata has been received or the timeout is 60 seconds (default).


    It is not necessary to create a new Producer for every message sent. Use singleton instead.

  2. serialize message to the desired format:

    1. key.serializer, value.serializer;
    2. for example, StringSerializer() — convert data into a byte array.
  3. define partition where the message will go:
    1. explicit partition — specify the partition manually;
    2. round-robin;
    3. key-defined (key_hash %n) — frequently used feature, used to record messages with the same key to the same partition; for example, log user messages with UUIDs.
  4. compress message;
  5. accumulate batch:
    1. batch.size - by size;
    2. linger.ms - by timeout.
  6. Sending a message to the right brokers and partitions.


flowchart TD

title[<u>Consumer poll messages flow diagram</u>]
style title fill:#FFF,stroke:#FFF
linkStyle 0 stroke:#FFF,stroke-width:0;

  A["<b>Consumer.poll()</b>"<br/>messages] --> B[fetch metadata];
  B -. fetch .-> C[(Zookeper)];
  C -. metadata .-> B;
  B ---> D[Connecting to Leader-replicas<br/>of all topic partitions];

Single thread processing can be slow. To speed up, it is possible to combine several Consumer into Consumer Group. The optimal design is when one Consumer reads data from one Topic.

Apache Kafka Consumer Group

Apache Kafka stores in a separate Topic named __consumer_offsets offsets for each Consumer Group and Partition:

Field Value
Partition A/0
Group X
Offset 2

Types of commits:

  1. Auto commit → at most once → risk of losing message when Consumer fails after commit.
  2. Manual commit → at least once → risk of receiving duplicate messages.
  3. Custom offset management → exactly once → not missed, no duplicates.

Consumer Group is inactive for a long time:

  1. max inactive period: offsets.retention.minutes;
  2. offsets deleted from __consumer_offsets;
  3. after group activatio → auto.offset.reset: earliest or latest.

Sources and materials for further study

  1. Apache Kafka Official Documentation
  2. About Kafka (basics) (RU)